Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What's behind our genes? Come to La Pedrera to know!

AND... before I forget, there is something else happening next week. The next cafè científic organised by the Science meets Society (SmS) group at the PRBB will take place next Wednesday May 6 at 7’30pm at La Pedrera (a beautiful Gaudi building).

The subject discussed will be how can organisms as different as a fly and a human come from very similar genome? The experts who will help discussing this will be Juan Valcarcel, from the CRG and Jaume Bertranpetit from the CEXS-UPF.

There will be some snacks and drinks. Do not miss it!!

Title:     What's behind our genome?
Speakers:  Juan Valcarcel & Jaume Bertranpetit
Where:     La Pedrera
When:      Wednesday 06 of May at 19:30

Making medicines accessible to the world's poor

Hi there,

for once, I am announcing something BEFORE it happens...! I really am going to get better with this blog, I promise!

Anyway, this is interesting and important.

Next Monday May 4 at 12 o’clock at the conference hall of the PRBB, there will be the presentation of the Health Impact Fund for the first time in Spain.

The presentation will start with a talk by Thomas Pogge, from Yale University, entitled: “How to make pharmaceuticals that are accessible for the whole world?”. The talk will be followed by a round table chaired by Joan Josep Moreso, vice-chancellor of the UPF. Other participants at the round table will be members of NGOs, etc.

The Health Impact Fund is an initiative of the Incentives for Global Health (IGH), a non-profit organization, and its aim is to stimulate research and development of life-saving pharmaceuticals accessible to the world's poor.

I will certainly go to the talk and will try my best to give you a good summary afterwards.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A VERY special Sant Jordi: love is in the air!

Every year, the PRBB residents surprise us with something new during the celebrations that are organised at the park for the whole community, such as the Christmas party, the Beach volleyball championship or the Sant Jordi celebration. We have been able to shout in rock concerts, to see a ‘capoeira roda’, to dance ‘sardanes’, to hear the angelical voices of the PRBB choir and even to enjoy a trapeze show, everything done by the residents themselves.

But when we thought we had seen it all... on April 22, 2009, we laughed and cried again. Apart from the traditional book exchange of the Sant Jordi celebration – this year more than 500! – and of the roses that filled the square, the PRBB theatre group, which exists since only four months, offered us the best that can be offered: a smile and a good time amongst friends.

More smiles, and even one or two emotional tears, accompanied the first public declaration of love – and what better day to do it? – to take place at the PRBB. The lucky girl (me!) was very surprised and emotional, altough she nearly killed the boy because of the embarrassment he made her go through. The about 200 residents that were witnesses of it had just finished enjoying the demonstration of the PRBB capoeira group, whose members (including the boy and the girl) showed the ability and agility they are acquiring week after week. Furthermore, continuing with the sports, the day finished with a raffle to choose which beach volley teams will have to confront each other in the next months.

Difficult to beat? Wait until the next party! (although I can't imagine what can come after this!!!!)